Australia-Korea Business Council Canberra Day 2024 - Canberra


On 24 and 25 June 2024, we led a delegation of 16 companies to the nation's capital to meet with senior government officials to discuss the economic and strategic importance of the Australia-Korea relationship. ⁠

Over the two days, we had 10 meetings, including with:⁠
🤝Senator Susan McDonald, Shadow Minister for Resources, Shadow Minister for Northern Australia⁠
🤝Hon Angus Taylor MP, Federal Member for Hume, Opposition Treasurer⁠
🤝Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham, Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, Senator for South Australia⁠
🤝Hon Richard Marles MP, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Defence⁠
🤝Senator the Hon Don Farrell, Minister for Trade and Tourism, Special Minister of State⁠
🤝Hon Madeline King MP, Minister for Northern Australia, Minister for Resources⁠

The event kicked off with a very informative briefing on the Australian political landscape from Dennis Shanahan (Political Reporter, The Australian). We also heard from the Minerals Council of Australia who presented an Industrial Relations Briefing, and the Critical Minerals Office.⁠

Following a jam-packed agenda, we identified some key messages including: ⁠
☑️ Many Australian critical minerals and rare earth companies require equity support to advance their projects to development.⁠ ⁠

☑️ CCUS has the potential to play a critical role in helping Korea decarbonise – a letter of intent or MoU that signals Australian and Korean governments commitment to a bilateral agreement to export C02 between our countries should be expedited to provide comfort to Korean investors⁠

☑️ The opportunity to expand our relationship with Korea is significant; both in continued supply of traditional energy and to expand this to cleaner energy, hydrogen and CCS, and also to supply Korea with our critical minerals and rare earths required for their battery manufacturing and semiconductors.⁠

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