Photos from 2024 WA-Korea Business Forum in Perth



image-20240527172837-1L🡢R: Young Yu, Dr. Xiaotian Zhang, Liz Griffin, Tom White, Isaac Hinton, Mr. Joyoung Jeon, Amanda Rickman, Professor Gordon Flake, Andrew Lee

2024 WA-Korea Business Forum in Perth

image-20240527171304-4WA-Korea Business Forum

image-20240527171339-5WA-Korea Business Forum

image-20240527171411-6Liz Griffin, CEO, Australia-Korea Business Council

image-20240528111729-1Liz Griffin, CEO, Australia-Korea Business Council

image-20240527171431-7Amanda Rickman, Director, Invest and Trade WA

image-20240527171452-8Amanda Rickman, Director, Invest and Trade WA

image-20240527171519-9WA-Korea Business Forum

image-20240527171540-10Mr. Jo-yeong Jeon, Deputy Head of Mission of Republic of Korea, Korean Embassy in Canberra

image-20240527171645-11Professor Gordon Flake, CEO, Perth USAsia Centre

image-20240527171714-12Professor Gordon Flake, CEO, Perth USAsia Centre


Dr. Xiaotian Zhang, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Global, Curtin University

image-20240527171726-13Dr. Xiaotian Zhang, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Global, Curtin University

image-20240527171841-15Tom White, Former CEO of Uber Korea

image-20240527171906-16Lessons and observations in managing a JV in Korea, WA-Korea Business Forum

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image-20240527172013-18WA-Korea Business Forum


Isaac Hinton, Head of Australia, Intercontinental Energy


Andrew Lee, WA Representative, LG Energy and Solution Australia

image-20240527172133-21Andrew Lee, WA Representative, LG Energy and Solution Australia


Lessons and observations in managing a JV in Korea, WA-Korea Business Forum


Panel Discussion, Moderator: Young Yu, Managing Director, MGM O'Connor Corporate Advisory

image-20240527172454-24Bel Altadonna, Head of Strategic Partnerships and Events, Australia-Korea Business Council

image-20240527172600-26Clare Pope, Partner, Gilbert + Tobin, Treasurer, Chair of the AKBC Critical Minerals sub-committee

image-20240527172527-25Clare Pope, Partner, Gilbert + Tobin, Treasurer, Chair of the AKBC Critical Minerals sub-committee

image-20240527172635-27WA-Korea Business Forum, General Networking

image-20240527172655-28WA-Korea Business Forum, General Networking

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