[Minister Dan Tehan MP’s visit to South Korea]

During Minister Dan Tehan MP’s trip to South Korea, SK E&S and the Australian Government agreed to work together to collaborate on eco-friendly gas field.

In Seoul, SK E&S CEO Choo met with Minister Tehan, Australian Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment and discussed collaboration opportunities in Carbon Capture Storage (CCS) based on eco-friendly technology. SK E&S recently announced their investment in developing the Barossa-Caldita gas fields in northern Australia.

CEO Choo said “The Australian gas fields will be developed in an eco-friendly way to capture 100% of the carbon dioxide with the CCS technology and store it in a waste gas field. We plan to use the #LNG imported from Australia’s Barossa-Caldita gas field as a raw material for #bluehydrogen which is a clean hydrogen.”

Minister Tehan said “natural gas will play a major role in the future of Korea’s energy transition. “The Australian Government will strongly support eco-friendly ways of gas field development.”

SK E&S 추형욱 대표이사 사장이 19일 서울에서 댄 테한 호주 통상관광투자장관을 만나 최근 투자를 결정한 호주 바로사-깔디따 해상가스전을 탄소포집·저장(CCS) 기술 기반의 친환경 방식으로 개발하는 데 협력하기로 했다고 20일 밝혔습니다.

Read more in Korean: https://lnkd.in/gsM2pU2